We feel pain to the nth degree after a breakup (of a love relationship or a friendship) because we lost a part of us. The fact that we have loved much could only mean we have given much, as well. So, when something comes to an end, we feel as if there's nothing left. As though, everything's taken away from us.
Often, understanding why things have to happen is not help. In fact, we prolly understand. It's just it doesn't get rid of the pain. And sometimes, we only need to let the hurt be felt and let the tears wash away the misery.
There's no shortcut to healing. And, sadly, there are times scars remain forever. But scars are just a sign that we have survived agony. There's always beauty in everything. Even in pain.
“Some things are hard to write about. After something happens to you, you go to write it down, and either you over dramatize it, or underplay it, exaggerate the wrong parts or ignore the important ones. At any rate, you never write it quite the way you want to.”
I like the last part of this entry.. I've shut down two active blog sites and deleted several blog posts because my entries were as if written by someone else... because I was too emotional, or didn't think it through before writing it.. hence the regret and the attempt to bury those thoughts.. so my action plan was to keep on writing, then edit it with updates, making it a learning experience. It looks easy to write about something we are passionate about, but are we ready to own these emotions/thoughts..?