Saturday, June 9, 2012

Some people just need a pat... on the head... with a hammer.

I have something else in mind to write, actually. But, I don't think I can word it now in such a way no one will have a clue am talking about this one person. Or, in a way that this person won't know it's about h--. So, I thought of writing about Facebook. *big smile*

No, am not gonna write about its early beginnings nor facts about it. Just had some observations and came up with Dos and Don'ts in using this popular social networking site. Am sort of an FB junkie as its been part of my daily life. (Like it has to be on even I am doing something else.) This is where I get information, current events and others (Twitter, as well) from since I don't have TV. (Yes, I have none. So, please donate. Oh, I have preference, btw. PM me if you have a kind, generous heart.) 

Yeah, I just felt like I should share my two cents how people should conduct themselves in the FB environment... If you find them senseless, that's your problem! Kiddin'...

Here goes my wisecracks...

Don't ACCEPT a friend invite then REMOVE them after. It's kinda rude. Especially if it's for no apparent reason.

I've heard people say, "I can do whatever I feel like doing. It's my page, anyway!" Yeah yeah...but, be considerate of other people's feelings. Imagine how they jumped in elation upon seeing a notification showing you've accepted their friend request; then, out of nowhere, you come to a decision that can devastate them forever. Guess it's much better not to ACCEPT friend invitation at all. Don't break anyone's faith and have them thinking all their life whatever they'd done wrong. And, don't ever think they won't notice you "un-friended" them. They will.

Better not keep adding people you don't personally know.

Ok, it's another way to make friends. You must be hoping to be really friends with this person. Taken. Maybe, it's proper to also send them a private message with the request and a bit of introduction how you're acquainted with them. At least, do things a little ethical. But, be ready for possible rejection.

Facebook is not a BURN BOOK, so don't post your mean, uncouth remarks about people you dislike or worse hate.

Quoting Cady from the movie "Mean Girls", "Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter."

Gone are the days when people are urbane. Now, everyone seems to be taking advantage of their freedom of expression. They don't anymore know what are to be kept privately. Whatever pops into mind will conveniently be broadcasted. Whoever's reputation crushed doesn't matter!

Use your own photos. Bet everyone has a face to show.

Could be a strategy to invite more friends? Just it's nothing but a desperate move. You'll rather look pitiful you hafta rob another's photo who you deem far better looking than you. Heh. Try taking gazillions of photos and try different angles til you achieve the look or pose you like. TahDah! There you have your fantastic profile photo. *wink*

I won't assume anyone would sign up to have an FB account with the intention of remaining unidentified or something. Unless, stalking a crush, maybe. Geesh!

Not everyone is interested to read updates of what's going on in your life each day. No need to narrate how you feel, where you went, what you ate, what movie(s) you watched, what color of clothes you're choosing... seriously.  

Unless you're Paris Hilton or Lady Gaga, maybe. FB is that awesome it allows its users to tweak privacy setting. You may inform your closest friends who might be sincerely interested to know what you're currently doing. Doesn't have to be EVERYONE.

Stop the solicitation of fan signs, puh-lease!

If you're someone I admire, I'd prolly do one for you without you having to request. But, I won't even do that for any celebrity or famous icon. I dunno, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Am gonna take a picture of me with someone's name on any part of my body or written in a piece of paper. Then, I'll post it and tag the person who owns the name. For what?! Like am a fan?!

Your opinion may be brilliant but it doesn't have to be advertised. And if it isn't brilliant, the more it shouldn't be circulated.

I mean, so what if you think Jessica Sanchez should've won? No matter what you think should've happened, it won't change the fact that she didn't. Expressing opinion often leads to quarrel and unnecessary misunderstanding, or worse, trouble. One throws out his opinion for the purpose of showing off what (s)he knows. To prove something... which starts friction between another person or group. Then ends in provocative statements. There are issues we need to let die for the sake of peace.

Remember this..."Intelligence [opinion] is like an underwear. It is important that you have it, but not necessary that you show it off." 

Before posting or sharing information that causes panic, first find out if the source is reliable. Validate.

We don't wanna take part in causing heart attack, right? When posting anything of great importance to the society, might as well include the source of information. This way you do not lose your credibility.

No trash-talking allowed! 

Same as, it's not a Burn Book. Might as well start a private online/offline journal (in case paper and pen aren't anymore your thing) if you really need to unleash all those negative feelings. It isn't helpful that we infect others with all the negativeness, agree? As if, it makes us any beautiful, smarter, respectable publishing nasty rumors or comments about another!

Facebook is NOT like The Jerry Springer Show!

Except those who are under 15 years old, all of us are expected to conduct ourselves as educated individuals. We are not to expose shaming details concerning our parents, siblings, relatives, friends. Whatever issues are currently happening in your household, it is your duty as member of that family to not divulge private, sensitive matters. Keep them private. If you need to communicate to anyone your innermost thoughts and feelings, there is a better way to do that: privately send them a message. Or, why not talk to them in person, in stead? The world doesn't need to know the drama inside the walls of your home. 


...just to mention a few. Still have a lot in mind but, but and but. 

Before I conclude this entry, I'll add two things more to the list. Difference of these two, they're POSITIVE!

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  1 Corinthians 10:31

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  Colossians 3:17


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"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
