Sunday, November 23, 2008

"It was a very lonely life. And it was not a life I would ever wanna live over again"

For sometime now, I have been a fan of the tv network CI. It could be for my fascination to investigative stuffs. Dunno where I got this interest from, actually. Can't tell why I am interested at all. All I can remember's that even as a kid I had been into gumshoe/mystery kinda plots. My kind of books were the Agatha Christie, Nancy Drew types.

Maybe Certainly it's not only me. There are probably thousands or millions in the world like myself who are into mystery stories. I dunno what really my reason is, but, the simplest explanation I can think of is, I am captivated by things that draw curiosity. Anything that challenges the rationale.

I particularly like intellectual people. Anyone who can impress me with their brilliance. The know-one's-way-around types. Agree with me, they're extremely interesting. Or, maybe, not everyone will agree. Of course. It's probably personal interest. Or could be, I am simply a geek(?).

One particular real-life story I became so interested in was that of Esther Reed's. She's such a bright girl with emotional baggage, who knows? She's just a girl and she managed to escape all crimes she committed until she was arrested this year some time in February.

Esther assumed a missing girl's (Brooke Henson) identity. She was able to fraudulently get into different state universities using another person's name for however she was able to do it. It's amazing, isn't it? She outwitted thousands of people. I can only wonder how her mind works. I am not yet done with my readings but I have seen some vid interviews of people close to her.

Who can really tell if she's the femme counterpart of Frank W. Abagnale Jr.? How did she come up with the crimes she committed and was not caught until this year? If not for the on-going police investigation for the mysterious evanescence of Brooke Henson in 1999, her own disappearance in the same year won't ever be known.

I am attracted in learning how she was able to work around the sitches she herself created. To start with, it's not Henson's identity she snatched first. There were victims who trusted her and, in fact, were her close friends. She had already used several other names before she even came up with Brooke Henson and other more names later on. To sum all her crimes up, she involved herself in identity thefts, fraudulent student loans and phony Social Security numbers.

It appears that she had emotional issues as a child. She even mentioned once in a letter these words... "I feel like I had this wall surrounding my soul and I couldn't get out and nothing could get in." She felt this when she was 14 as indicated in the letter.

Could it be she has no sense of what is right and what is wrong? So many questions. And all those I want to find out the answers for...

Share if anyone knows something, please. *waiting mode*

Signing out now.

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A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
