Tuesday, January 15, 2008

All these thoughts are never resting and you're not something I deserve.

Yes, I remember I mentioned in my previous post I will be sharing about work out tips on my NEXT post. And this is supposed to be the 'next'. Let's skip that topic, at least, for today, though. Am not really into blogging mood but feeling the urge to still post something. Just anything. Maybe to beg for a new gizmo? Any generous soul to donate a sleek one? *grins*

I am not making any sense here (as of yet), I already know. haha.

Should I rather just make a brilliant suggestion -- there must be "NO frowning areas" in most establishments? You might be protesting, where the #&$@ did she get this (ridiculous) idea again?! But, believe me, you'll appreciate the suggestion big time.

Doing transactions is not something that I commonly do. Am new to this kind of thing and even buying a quick bite is something I'd let another do for me. But, everyday is not a lucky day, so they say. There will always be times that I'd have to do things on my own no matter how I detest it. Yesterday was one of those unlucky days. (yesterday was just a couple of hours ago as I write this, actually.)

Yeah, about 6 hours ago, I was in front of a scowling front liner. I know ...I know it's rather crazy to be smiling all the time without any reason, but I still think that customer service people should 'always' look pleasant and friendly, which is something this front liner am talking about failed to do the entire 3 hours she was attending to me. Very unenthusiastic in doing her tasks. Is this a sign of mere indolence?

For goodness sakes! Spare us (customers) of unaccommodating attendants. There should be qualifications and series of tests for customer service agents... Just to ensure a friendly environment. Why, I felt so unwelcome standing there for hours. She looked rather so exhausted and uninterested. Goodness! She's already fortunate that she's just sitting there in front of the computer inside an air-conditioned room. How many people are jobless or putting up with blue-collared jobs?! Not that am looking down on workers doing the dirty work. In fact, am applauding them that they seem to appreciate their jobs in stead of staying without one. They're much better than most of us who already have the easier jobs just attending to customers' needs and still would whine a lot.

...to makes things worse, many front liners don't even look pleasant at all. Am so mean to even include this but come on now! I need to be really vocal here. They don't already possess a better looking face and yet they are even too willing to scowl like they're carrying the world on their shoulders. Who doesn't have a problem for crying out loud?!

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What's my point? If I were them, I rather just quit my job if I don't find the job challenging or if I see it routinary and a no-brainer than show every customer how I dislike being there in front of them. Every company management should do something about this concern. Such a perfect way to make a day one of the worsts.

Well, it will serve as a reminder for me to always wear a smile no matter what and be conscious not to look like that attendant. She just doesn't realise am only one of the many who laughed to self just staring at her do her thing with that face.

So, everyone, we should all be conscious all the time how we look. In everything we do, we should always have a mirror handy. Place it where you can check yourself from time to time. Whenever you're starting to scowl, bring that smile back and you'll feel much better and more energised to get through the day.

Makes any sense, now?

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A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
