Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand

Thoughts: How about coffee and crackers diet? Nah. Won't even work. I mean, who can really keep up with it? Just d#$n hard. Am pretty sure I can only do it for about a few days or make it a week...but longer than that? Impossible. Unless, I chain myself inside my room and have the door all locked from the outside. (A dialogue with self.)

Why is't food is all I see everywhere? This is so frustrating. Haha. (Drama princess.) Just, maybe I need to pray and ask for more discipline. Seems lost a bigger percent of it. Why, 2008 might be the year for big feed (at my body's expense!). Lame excuse.

Half of myself says, " more while you're young. Remember what Lolo Rich said? -- 'Enjoy festivities while you can. When you're old, you don't get to take pleasure in porking out anymore.' Makes sense."

The other half of myself questions, "how about your health?...your figure?". Also makes a lotta sense.

...then I'd pull myself to both directions from time to time but would usually end up getting dragged to the side where it's telling me to 'overindulge while supplies last'.

When you're old you can't eat everything everyone's enjoying anymore. Might put you at risk of lodging in a hospital room for weeks (or longer). When you're young, you can't eat everything that everyone's enjoying. Might cause you to become bigger ''horizontally'' and it will be harder to lose the pounds as you add age. Unless, you're one of those gifted with a rather dynamic metabolism. Errrrgg.

...but, Who cares? bwaha. When food is right there in front of you, all you do is gobble up and forget about the rest of the concerns. Just keep packing it away and regret a lil come Sunday. Well, you can sweat them out, anyway. Just up to you how you do it. Either deprive yourself of sumptuous food while everyone else is merrymaking; or you join them and just move around later. The latter choice sounds better to me. No more winking at banquets, then. Problem solved. *wink*

Sure you already have an inkling what are all the blabs about -- first taste to today's confessions on another chow down sequels. Such a vicious habit. Since before the past holidays, cravings never stopped. Til now when am suppose to start reducing my food intake and start trimming down the extra pounds gained. But for goodness sakes! I can't just sneer at those delish grubs. I just can't. Can you? *grins*

Icebergs stop over (Jan 6th)...*drum rolls*

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Good thing am not into ice creams. Imagine how many calories I must shed had it been the case -- around 270 calories to burn after eating cookies and cream. Dunno but I don't really enjoy ice creams a lot. I would crave but I can't finish a cup. Good for me. I don't also like chocolates except the dark one with mint. *slobbering* Mom gave me some a few days ago. They're all done! bwahah

The Hungarian sausage was good. But, nothing beats Nenita's, though. Personal opinion of course. Whoever tastes Nenita, btw? The Crispy Boneless Bangus in Adobo sauce with Mango is also yumyum. At first, I was like..."what? Adobo sauce with Mango?" But, it's a must try.

Slammer Burgers Take Out (Jan 7th)

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Yeah, crave for more.

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Inside the box. Brilliant idea.

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The burger tastes like 99% beef

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Am estimating an average person can eat
3 SBs w/o fries

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8 boxes of tiny burgers.
Not really tiny TINY.

It's just 200 something to buy 8 SBs. They also have fries but am trying to avoid it so, no fries for me. Like the idea that burgers are inside small boxes in stead of the reg plastic or foil wrappers. Easier to handle. Prices depend on what you want to include in your SB. This one is just cheeseburger.

Jan 8th at LukYuen

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Mere luck, the food wasn't something that I enjoyed and shut case, am not coming back there anymore. Just what happened to LY? Used to be one of my faves. But, I still luv their watermelon shake.

Dine in at Racks (Jan 9th)

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Baby Back Slabs

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Fish n Chips

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Love their BBQ sauces.
You can actually buy them.

So, I need an answer now. Can you just walk away after having a look at the mouthwatering food displays? Toughie. My suggestion, whenever you have to leave the house, it's best to stuff yourself to the point that you can't eat even a light snack. Saves you from more calories to fry.

To discourage you more here's a

Calorie Table for Cheeseburgers

Cheeseburgers (1) Calories
Cheeseburger w/o mayo 320
Cheeseburger w/o mayo (large) 610
McDonald's Cheeseburger 330
McDonald's 1/4 pounder with cheese 530
Burger King Cheeseburger 360
Burger King Whopper with cheese 850
Burger King Double Whopper w/ cheese 1,150
Wendy's Jr Cheeseburger 310
Wendy's Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe 350

As if! None even helped to keep me away from food. Not even the fitness magazines I recently bought. hehe

Expect to read work out tips in my next post. *wink*

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A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
