Monday, July 30, 2007

This is just so in demand. Sorry.

Am evil mean.

I won't just give up. I really had to find that video where Beyonce tumbled down the stairs during a concert. Bwahaha!

After a couple of tries getting results like this...

Singer Requests Video Of Fall Not Be Posted On YouTube

and this...

This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

I finally found one. La-lala-lala...*whistles*

YouTube failed to keep the videos, yes. But, CNN still has it. *devilish grin*

Here it is. Enjoy!


  1. ooo sweet heart , i dont like this , i would like to talk with you a little.
    take care

  2. just dropped by to say hey.. and that the links in ur page does't point to beyonce... but i guess u figured that one out by the time you read this :)



A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
