Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Standing on the sidelines, waving and grinning.

Dumped: (adj.) throw something out as unwanted: to get rid of something that is unwanted, especially by taking it and leaving it somewhere.

Synonyms: discarded, forsaken, derelict, vacant, neglected, cast off, empty

~ My Green Room ~ is still one of the featured blogs at BlogDumps and nothing's changed, am still happy and bouncing around. What's the drama up there, then?

Well, I signed up on Blog Catalog about two days ago. Just less than 5 minutes ago, I received an email telling me that my blog submission was...

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What is wrong with my blog?!!! *frantic mode*

So, I went on to check. It's unbelievable! How could this happen to me and my blog?! I am so devastated.

Hmmm...I would understand if they declined it for my choice of words, or because my ideas are "BS". I will wholeheartedly accept that. But, NO. They have other reasons.

Seeing this as the subject of the email...

BlogCatalog - Submission Declined: ~ My Green Room ~

My heart was torn into pieces. *faints*

Any idea, what their reason is? Check the image below.

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Yes! It is a gigantic mistake! *frustrated*

Yes. After a year of blogging, I never knew there was even a single pornographic material some where around here. * looks around* Maybe, posting my yellowish, round face is already a porno. Is it? *sobs*

...Or is it my flat tummy?!

Anyway, life's like that. *showing a fake smile* (Victor, am following your advice.) *Smiling forcefully* (Just imagine how I look like)

Am I funny or what? As if, it's such a big loss, right?! fwahahaha

As I was writing typing this, Blog Catalog sent me another email. This time, informing me that my blog's already approved. Were they trying to dupe me? *scratches head*

There's no more to blog about, then. Problem solved. blah blah blah

Thanks, Blog Catalog, for approving my blog submission. I have another widget to add to my already cluttered page. Just bear with me loyal readers. Am such a collector. *wink*

And yeah, before I forget, there might be a time when you check my blog and, in stead, you're directed to an unfamiliar blog. Don't worry. It's my blog ...with a totally different outfit.

Yes, I am changing its look. So, don't get tired of visiting my blog. You've seen its birth, you've seen it blossom (with so many chicklets and widgets), support it all the way. *big smile*

Note: Nonsense, I know. But, hey! It's 1st of August. At least, I have a blog entry first day of the month. *wink*

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A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
