Friday, July 7, 2006


I just composed a blog entry for SMS.

Dammit! It didn't post. *Grrr*

Can anyone explain to me why I can't think of any good thing to write in my blog? When before dozing there are so many things I can think of that I want to write about. Like there are sooo many things popping in my head.

Night, in my cozy bedroom: "This is what I am going to write about as soon as I am set in front of my (not mine, it's AMN's) PC."

Now, I can't think of anything. NOTHING.

Or is it because of "greenie"? Damn I am everyday pissed because of her. My temperature's rising. Like reaching 136° Fahrenheit, which is the world's highest recorded temperature.

Just look how inconsiderate she is. She would play her freakin music so loud that already it triggers my migraine. Why on Earth does she have to sit beside me in the first place? When there are other available units away from me. She should've just taken another seat. How irritating. Now, she's getting into my nerves. Is it all part of her purpose? To make me damn irritated EVERYDAY?! How petty!

And how effective! She's ruining my almost wrecked day. Now it's all in ruins.

Or maybe I should change my perspective? There might be a need to change my outlook or something...Anyone?

I need an opinion.

On a different note, I had ham sandwich for dinner. Yum yum

I still have one sitting beside me. I made three and shared one to Vin. Imagine I brought all the ingredients to office only because I ran out of LPG. haha

Don't ask. I don't have microwave! Whatta loser.

Will somebody donate a microwave for me? *smug*


  1. those are just the spices of our life..many people come and go and make influence to us whether its good or bad..but somehow those people makes us what we are,what we really wanna be,but it depends on how you see on them...

  2. taken. people like that person is what's making life even more exciting. how dull the world would be if everything is pleasant!

    i think i should include this one to my list of things i don't understand.

    "why are some people so inconsiderate? "

    and yeah, just to defend myself, i don't get easily annoyed by just petty things. there's a deeper story behind SOS.

  3. Reality check: It's nobody's world, rather it's everybody's...

    Don't forget:

    When life throws lemons... know what to do...




A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
