Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pen down...closing my diary.

...Clock shows 4:14am and am wide awake. Music on. So many thoughts running in my head at the same time. Thought of typing them in OpenDiary. When was the last time I checked it?  Can't even remember.  Today, it's no more. *sad*  

Was about to log in ...only it wouldn't take me to the page. So, I made a track down of what could be going on. And, here's the sad news I found...

"Open Diary officially shutdown on 7th of February 2014 at 12:04 a.m. EST."

 Letting go can't be so hard to do but it's neither easy. Like am this kind of person who finds it hard to just give up on / let go of ANYTHING. Holding on is what am good at doing. If I have a huge storage I'd have a collection of assorted things. A serious case of hoarding!

Once it came into me a's easier to let go of something that died than something (or someone) that just left. My reason's when you know it's dead, it's gone forever...while when it just left, you know it just moved somewhere and knowing it still exists ignites something inside that push you to search for it. (Without certainty it wants you back.) Hope lingers that a time may still come that you'd bump into that some-thing/one again...desperately hoping you both feel the same excitement and happiness having found each other again. 

Going back to OD... it's truly GOODBYE. *sniffs* It buried with it my thoughts and emotions I may not anymore remember. Hope it's a good thing.

...and it closed some chapters of my life I rather should forget. Farewell, OpenDiary. Twas a good journey with you all those years. ^_^

'I release you. I evict you from my heart. Because if I don't do it now, I never will.'


1 comment:

  1. whaaa wala ako copies ng mga kadramahan ko sa opendiary :( or closed diary :'( -Cherry



A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
