Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Still...

Yes, I have grown so much but never changed a lot. There are still things I never learned to outgrow. Guess, each one of us remain a child inside. Yet, we can't let it show all the time because we're supposed to be acting like grown ups. However, it's just so unavoidable at times.

Am not sure but most of what I haven't outgrown are not at all strange or weird. Maybe most of you still do the same, too. Just thought to share. Thought of blogging about this when recently, I found myself inside the closet when I was hurting badly and there was no one. Here are they...

"I still..."

~ hide inside my closet when hurt;
~ enjoy the sound of my rattle to help me sleep at night;
~ like to hear lullabies when having a hard time dozing;
~ love to receive/ask for presents from anyone;
~ fear of being left alone (which is kind of weird since I am a loner);
~ take pleasure in watching "Bear in the Big Blue House";
~ use baby words;
~ howl over a paper cut;
~ fancy spending time in parks or playgrounds;
~ say 'yehey' a lot;
~ delight in eating hotdog on stick with colorful marshmallows;
~ relish for cereals and popcorns;
~ long for alphabet soup;
~ mope when being teased;
~ talk to myself;
~ sing alone;
~ can't use the escalator by myself (acrophobia);
~ read bedtime stories to myself; and
~ hanker for stickers and other cute stuffs like stickers and notebooks.

Well, I guess this is all for now. Happy Halloween!

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A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
