Monday, March 19, 2007

It's true I don't like soap, but you don't have to rub it in my face!

Lesson for the day. No truth about customers being ALWAYS right. This is just what we (as customers) want to believe in. But definitely NOT if we're behind that counter.

There was no taxi service scarcity today. The service reached my place exactly on time. Only I was not yet done preparing. Which only means the driver had to wait (as usual).

Hippo needed to remind me to hurry. I hate each time he does that. Am such a sloth and I CANNOT move any faster than 15 feet per minute! Blah! Of course this is another stretching of the truth. Haha


Finally, I was out. The cab door was opened for me and so I got in. The driver asked for the destination and I politely answered.

The man was old, a little bald with some white hair showing from beneath his red baseball cap. Not the ordinary looking Filipino driver, I must say. Exactly how Hippo described him to me. He's more of Spanish descent. Mestizo and reddish. Even thought he could be the owner of 24/7 taxi service posing as a driver for whatever reasons! Nah! Another wild imagination.

Going back... we had a very short conversation, which went like this...


Mestizo Driver: Where are we heading?

~ Paper tiger ~: To Shell Maya

Mestizo Driver: Right at Shell Maya, is't?

~ Paper tiger ~: No. After Shell Maya, a few buildings after... at Telecoms Plaza.

Meztizo Driver: Just along Buendia...

~ Paper Tiger ~: Yes. Buendia, that is.

Mestizo Driver: Ok, (imperative tone) You're late. 10 minutes.

~ Paper Tiger ~: *blank*


long silence...

He like slapped into my face how I make taxi drivers wait! (of course not literally) No matter how short the wait, it doesn't matter. TIME is precious.

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Yes, I am paying them. I pay extra 50 PhP for the pick up plus the fare from my place to office (measured by a meter), which runs from 89 PhP to 102 PhP. Most often than not, I give extra 20 PhP for tip. This is out of the question, though. Because, in real sense, I definitely have to pay for their good service, right?

What I feel guilty about is I am (have been) taking their precious time (no matter how brief) from them. It could only be just 5 minutes, 10 minutes, yes...what is 5 minutes anyway?

...but time is something that cannot be returned when lost (or wasted). It cannot tick backwards. It doesn't have undo button. Every second passed is already history.

When I was applying for a job for the first time, I experienced having to wait for hours. I didn't like it. I so DETEST it! For me, no one has the right to take so much of my time because it's MINE. They can waste all their time all they want but I would never allow them to make me wait like that AGAIN. Not because I am the one applying or for the lack of better term, asking for something (job that is), I should be so humble and let them just take away every minute of my time.

I recalled all this during my entire trip to office (which just took only about 45 minutes...imagine?!!!). Was reminded of the GOLDEN RULE. I hate when people make me wait. So, why am I making these drivers wait, too?!

Am I so like those HR people that set schedules for applicants' job interview...(?) The very eager and equally nervous applicant comes in, at most, an hour early before his time. Minutes after minutes...eventually turned into hours, many applicants are already in the waiting area. One brave applicant breaks the deafening silence and talks to the one beside him...


Applicant 1: What time is your schedule?

Applicant 2: 9:30, and you?

Applicant 1: We have the same sched.

The rest of the applicants: what?!!!!!

In short, they are made to wait there for more hours than they should. What? Because they're just applicants? That they're the one needing jobs so they have to suffer like that? The you-want-it-go-geddit freakin attitude! Grrrr!

I so hate that scenario. I promised myself I won't ever let ANYONE do that to me. This is my's not theirs. They got absolutely NO right to waste it for their own fatuousness.

...but today and the past 2 years...I have done the same to those poor drivers... *sniffs* I am GUILTY.

Am so sorry.

Am I bad?

Note: Dunno if my intro is even relevant. Whatever!


  1. I really wish people in Pizza Hut someday read this entry. I think this is simply something they need to become more aware of.

  2. Ah yeah? I didn't know about that. Well, not everyone learns, though. If that's the case, then, there could've been more wiser people by now.



A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
