Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sunshine. A ray of hope in a hopeless situation

There are just more than enough time to use for thinking. When I was younger, I didn't like to sleep. I used most of my time thinking. It was my hobby. Still is my hobby. So, I sort of like collected some of my personal observations about what's going on around me.

Here is a list of what I have learned then and now:

1. You don't always get what you deserve. No matter how hard working you are. No matter how deserving you may be.

2. When there's traffic congestion, there sure is a traffic officer close-by.

3. There'll always be one person you can never get along with. Not for any reason. You just don't click. There's just no chemistry between you.

4. Some people want you to hear their conversation (for whatever reason) so they talk really loud even in public places. They're damn pleased stretching out their ineptness.

5. Sometimes it's not my fault. People make their choices.

6. It's ok to commit mistake.

7. The best things in life are not really free. Only shoplifters, burglars, looters and the like get what they want without forking over smackeroo. hmm but if you come to think of it, they still have to make sure they won't get caught, which is actually an uphill battle altogether. Once caught, they'd have to spend their miserable life under lock and key. So, it was not utterly free. Just with a discount.

8. Not all intelligentsias can speak fluently.

9. When you badly need someone to listen, what you get is a blabbermouth who talks about the same thing over and over.

10. You are expected to always show a pleasant attitude, but you can never expect another person to treat you right.

11. Life is full of regrets. But you can't dwell on that fact for long. You have to keep going.

12. Not too many people will appreciate you or your deed.

13. People will ask you questions but won't believe your response then will ask you the same question over and over and over.

14. The world's most asked question is, "what is the meaning of life?"

15. Second most asked question is, "why is the sky blue?"

16. Third most asked question is, "what is the average penis size?" Like huh? Does that even matter? Why does it matter?

17. There are just too many choices nowadays. Just to buy a bottle of water, you need to make a choice: distilled, mineral, natural and so on...

18. Everything about life is a risk.

19. All things must come to an end.

20. When someone needs you, you always see them around. When they don't you will never find them anywhere.

21. All things happen for a reason.

22. We're not usually accurate in judging another person's feelings, thoughts and motives.

23. It is important to say sorry.

24. Envy is one of the most dangerous sins.

25. Dogs make more friends because they wag their tails and not their tongues.

26. Gossiping is the most popular form of hobby. Too many people get rich out of it.

27. People like talking about another but they hate it when you make them your topic.

28. You only get yourself in trouble if you let a procrastinator or a lazy person do something for you.

29. Most of the time, people don't mean what they say. They do not know when to lie and when to be honest.

30. It is hard to draw the line between being nice and not hurting another's feelings.

31. As you get older, time becomes harder and harder to manage. There's not much time left.

32. It's just hard to give trust when you had been robbed of it once.

33. People are too comfortable whining about their concerns. In stead of doing something about their condition, they point their fingers.

34. Love is the all-time-favorite topic.

35. It's the president's fault that too many people are indigent. It's always the president's fault whatever misfortune one gets.

36. Fast runners do not always win the race. Capable men do not always rise to high positions.

37. Inept people get the job, rise to high positions and become rich.

38. Local actors that don't even have degrees to boast can run to become presidents of a country.
It doesn't matter if you're not that smart as long as you're popular. Elections are becoming more like popularity contests.

39. If you want to be friends with an important person, send him a gift and it will be easy.

40. Sometimes it's better to shut up and be oblivious to the world. Saves you from a bad day.


  1. My two-pence worth:

    1. You don't always get what you deserve. No matter how hard working you are. No matter how deserving you may be. --so you believe in fate then huh--

    2. When there's traffic congestion, there sure is a traffic officer close-by. --agree--

    3. There'll always be one person you can never get along with. Not for any reason. You just don't click. There's just no chemistry between you. --we can't really tell until it's the end--

    4. Some people want you to hear their conversation (for whatever reason) so they talk really loud even in public places. They're damn pleased stretching out their ineptness. --but still you'd try to listen right--

    5. Sometimes it's not my fault. People make their choices. --yes, but most of the time it is--

    6. It's ok to commit mistake. --but never the same twice--

    7. The best things in life are not really free. Only shoplifters, burglars, looters and the like get what they want without forking over smackeroo. hmm but if you come to think of it, they still have to make sure they won't get caught, which is actually an uphill battle altogether. Once caught, they'd have to spend their miserable life under lock and key. So, it was not utterly free. Just with a discount. --only if you consider the best things in life are for sale (the best things in life are still free: an hour of peace, a baby's giggle, etc.)--

    8. Not all intelligentsias can speak fluently. --intelligence is relative--

    9. When you badly need someone to listen, what you get is a blabbermouth who talks about the same thing over and over. --but we keep approaching them for new problems right, it's the company that matters really--

    10. You are expected to always show a pleasant attitude, but you can never expect another person to treat you right. --to be treated right, show yourself right; no point faking an image not of yourself. Rule of thumb: Always be yourself.--

    11. Life is full of regrets. But you can't dwell on that fact for long. You have to keep going. --true. Never dwell on them, but never forget them as well--

    12. Not too many people will appreciate you or your deed. --Appreciation is appreciated only when they come from people we appreciate as well; need not be many--

    13. People will ask you questions but won't believe your response then will ask you the same question over and over and over. --Rule of thumb: Never give unsolicited advice--

    14. The world's most asked question is, "what is the meaning of life?"--where does "What is love rank?--

    15. Second most asked question is, "why is the sky blue?" --where does "What is good?" rank

    16. Third most asked question is, "what is the average penis size?" Like huh? Does that even matter? Why does it matter? --where does "What will I become?" rank--

    17. There are just too many choices nowadays. Just to buy a bottle of water, you need to make a choice: distilled, mineral, natural and so on... --but it shouldn't be that hard if you know what you're shopping for--

    18. Everything about life is a risk. --Yes, and it's when we stop taking risks that we succumb to merely existing--

    19. All things must come to an end. --Everything will, in our lifetime or not--

    20. When someone needs you, you always see them around. When they don't you will never find them anywhere. --therefore, be thankful for every opportunity you're given to reach out, they're tests you know--

    21. All things happen for a reason. --bad part is, we don't always know what they are--

    22. We're not usually accurate in judging another person's feelings, thoughts and motives. --don't then--

    23. It is important to say sorry. --yes, and mean it--

    24. Envy is one of the most dangerous sins. --curiosity is another--

    25. Dogs make more friends because they wag their tails and not their tongues. --friends are measured not by quantity, but by quality--

    26. Gossiping is the most popular form of hobby. Too many people get rich out of it. --Not true, thinking is--

    27. People like talking about another but they hate it when you make them your topic. --well, what goes around comes around--

    28. You only get yourself in trouble if you let a procrastinator or a lazy person do something for you. --truth is, you wanna get something done, you gotta do it yourself--

    29. Most of the time, people don't mean what they say. They do not know when to lie and when to be honest. --but some of the time some people do, play it smart then--

    30. It is hard to draw the line between being nice and not hurting another's feelings. --the key is communication and understanding--

    31. As you get older, time becomes harder and harder to manage. There's not much time left. --very true--

    32. It's just hard to give trust when you had been robbed of it once. --don't give it then, make 'em earn it--

    33. People are too comfortable whining about their concerns. In stead of doing something about their condition, they point their fingers. --we all have tendencies to go for the easier choice--

    34. Love is the all-time-favorite topic. --and yet it's so inostensible--

    35. It's the president's fault that too many people are indigent. It's always the president's fault whatever misfortune one gets. --you've probably been watching too many rallying episodes--

    36. Fast runners do not always win the race. Capable men do not always rise to high positions. --stop reaching for it then and be content--

    37. Inept people get the job, rise to high positions and become rich. --there probably is some good in them--

    38. Local actors that don't even have degrees to boast can run to become presidents of a country.
    It doesn't matter if you're not that smart as long as you're popular. Elections are becoming more like popularity contests. --elections are popularity contest, nothing else to it--

    39. If you want to be friends with an important person, send him a gift and it will be easy. --everything's easier to get with a little "extra" effort--

    40. Sometimes it's better to shut up and be oblivious to the world. Saves you from a bad day. --but don't worry yourself one day for not speaking up, for not taking part--

    P.S. let's talk some time...mail me at

  2. (Some people want you to hear their conversation (for whatever reason) so they talk really loud even in public places. They're damn pleased stretching out their ineptness.)

    * they must be lacking attention that's why. deal with it.

    (There are just too many choices nowadays. Just to buy a bottle of water, you need to make a choice: distilled, mineral, natural and so on...)

    * gives me a hard time buying as i become tempted to try everything.

    (When you badly need someone to listen, what you get is a blabbermouth who talks about the same thing over and over)

    * it is almost impossible to get someone to just listen. They always have something to say.

    (Dogs make more friends because they wag their tails and not their tongues.)

    *friends ruin friendship when they start wagging their tongue and spill every bean.



A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
