Wednesday, August 9, 2006

I just don't get it! Do you?

Things I don’t understand:

* Exaggerated sense of self-importance.
Some people just think like they’re the crème de la crème. Duh! How statement like, “I am so damn beautiful” could really be so narcissistic. Dunno with you all. Well, unless the statement is meant as a joke, of course. Those overweening freaks! Those egotistical whatever you call them. So annoying. And I say it with passion because I had never really told myself how beautiful (or whatever nice adjectives) I am. I believe that whatever there is to appreciate about you, or me… it’s really up to people to do the praising and not ourselves. Let them do it…for goodness sakes!

* Example from ants.
Haven’t you ever noticed how ants sweat and slave to prepare for rainy days? They get ready for the worse so they hoard more than they could do with. And the more awe-inspiring detail about them is that they stay in single file. They don’t go past another, which, not only proves their discipline but their fortitude as well. Consider the loads their carrying. Thrice their size or more, imagine?! But they don’t grumble. (oops! me guilty of being a whiner) Why can't humans do the same?

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* Dissatisfaction.
I am at times guilty of buying and desiring more when I don’t really need so much. Like, you finally bought your long time drool thing. Then after some time, it gets out-of-date and you’d want another one. It’s become a non-stop wanting.

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* Love fading. Like colors?
Can love truly disappear? Like, I know I shouldn’t be asking this anymore because I had experienced it. But, can I really ascertain, like clear-cut, that I had lost my love for someone? Or could I be accurate in assuming that the love was really gone? Define love.

* Self-righteousness.
Guess this is an extension of number one. But, I don’t understand why are “they” so toffee-nosed. As if there’s several more grounds for them to be. Like goodness we have equivalent number of fingers and toes, (should I excuse those that have more than 10?) have two eyes, one nose and one mouth…etc.!!! C’mon we’re all simply equal. Social status, intellectual level…I think have nothing to do with getting a license for a repulsive way of behaving.

* Gossips are just that pandemic.
Tell me I’m wrong that more often than not you make gossiping your past time. May it be your neighbor suspected of cheating on his/her partner, local or foreign blind items…etc. you find pleasure in talking about another person’s life. Just what is so fascinating about gossip? *scratches head*

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* Political ambition.
I find politics such a complicated world. So, why?!! Nuff said.

* Love: considered one of people's predicaments.
Next to financial, I must say. Like, I heard of people killing themselves because of a messed up relationship. I know of people that ends up boozy with alcohol for the same reason or because of lose-lose situation, again related to love. Why?

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* Indigent people has the most number of children.
Don’t they really learn? I mean at least from experience…through experience. I mean, raising one child alone is already handful. The fact that they don’t have a job and they have what? Already 13 children to feed! And here’s another one coming!? Whaaaaaattttt?!!! Don’t they feel badly for their children looking grimy and famished, already?

* Self-destructive urge.
While most of us fear death, some embrace death. I don’t get it.


  1. i appreciate u so much for being an observer around you..
    its really a previlage of knowing someone like you who expresses into writings on who you really are..
    yoou know, not all people can write as good as u are...
    keep up the good work..

  2. we all learn from observing. i learned a lot from it.

  3. love is an energy, that is manifested by the thought, or action, to extend one's self, for the purpose of nurturing one's own, or another's, wholistic growth...



A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
