Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mussels for Canker Sores (?)

During my RD, I was a couch potato. hmmm...Not really.

I have been suffering from canker sores since saturday. Pity me. *sad*

The good side of it, I didn't have to be a "couch potato" the whole day. I was locked-up to preparing mussels, which according to my dad is an effective cure for canker sores. At least, in his experience.

When he had canker sore, which lasted like months, he didn't know what to do. He tried different traditional remedies but was all in vain. Until, one day when he had nothing else to have for lunch but mussels. The following day, canker sore has become a vivid memory. And it never came back.

That testimonial is registered in my head. Not only because all that my dad tells me is like sacrosanct, it's just it's really effective. Do you think he will just tell us his story for no reason? Of course, NO. I was suffering from canker sores years back and I couldn't eat. My mom was telling me this and that but nothing helped. Dad heard us discussing and told us the story. Right away my mom cooked mussel soup.

So, I cooked mussel soup.

Yum yum.

Here's the recipe:


Mussel Soup Recipe

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Mussels (1 kilo)
Ginger (Put as many as you like. Make sticks)
Onion (chop whichever way you like ha ha)
Garlic (chopped)
Chili leaves
Spring Onions (If you like)

*I don't believe in measurements. Experiment is the RULE.


Wash the mussels in a basin. Take off the hair. Whatever you call it. (They're what's sticking out from the inside of the shell.) Set aside.

*Make sure the mussels are so clean and shiny. ha ha
(Seriously, you really have to clean them well or else you'll end up losing the broth. That's what happened when I failed to clean them well enough. All the dirty stuffs started floating when I was boiling the mussels. So, I had to throw the broth. *frown*)

In a casserole, saute garlic, onion and ginger for 2 minutes. Then, add the mussels and chili leaves. Add the broth, then simmer for 20 minutes under medium heat.

Serve hot. (Yehey)

I liked it. Of course.

Did it help? YES. I would definitely recommend it as remedy or treatment for canker sores.

If you're still skeptical you can find treatments and remedies from the following sites:


Still, dubious? Search at your own risk. Google it!


  1. Dear Paper Tiger,

    I think mussels are great even with or without canker sores.

    yours truly


  2. it's become a personal favorite. *smile*

  3. but remember to avoid them during the red tide season!

  4. well i knew its too late to post my comment,ill just want to add more to make your "mussels"taste good saute in margarine instead of normal oil add 1pc of tomato & a pc of ginger w/vetsin dont add water ok.i have a lot of recipe bout how to cook mussels,if you want?hope you'll have snap time to read this comment ok.happy cooking

  5. its also good to saute in margarine w/ 1pc of tomato sprikle w/vetsin,if you want i have a lot more recipe bout mussels, hope its not too late to post this comment,take a snap to read this ok happy cooking



A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
