Here's how it works... something is said about someone. Doesn't matter whether it's good or bad or terrible; true or just hearsay. The recipient's perception of the information will judge it based on two conditions -- (1) if the recipient of the information is indifferent, (s)he will just ignore. (2) If the recipient already has some rancor or even mindset about the person being talked about, they're kinda biased. The information, then, ends up being a weapon. A deadly one. The recipient(s) become talebearer(s) themselves. Next thing you know, the information's been spread like a virus infecting anyone who dare touch it.
What many don't realize is that gossip doesn't do as much bad to the one being talked about than to the infected. It is a toxin. It infects everyone. It becomes part of their system. It pollutes their judgment.
Gossip is like a delicious delicacy everyone wants to feast on. Not knowing they are being poisoned from the inside out. Because it's not a delicacy, but a contagion. Yet, people find it enjoyable for as long as they're not the topic.
What's sad is that people don't even take time to think before believing hearsay. People will believe what they want to believe. Regardless of the source.
The hardest and the most painful thing to realize is the fact that you may be a victim. You can decide with your heart to be good, but if right from the start you've already been judged, no good deed can ever remove the venom from their system. More so, if their hearts are filled with envy and hate there is totally NOTHING noble or grand enough you can do to satisfy them.
Sometimes, I wonder how come when people hear something ill being said about another they don't ask themselves "why is this person telling me this?" It puzzles me why we allow others to pollute our minds with their sharp tongues. And why we engage into this kind of activity. Nonsensical.
It's oh so true...gossip is not a mouth problem, but a heart issue. "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" -Matthew 12:34.
"Evil people look for ways to harm others; even their words burn with evil.
Gossip is spread by wicked people; they stir up trouble and break up friendships."
-Proverbs 16:27, 28
Gossip is spread by wicked people; they stir up trouble and break up friendships."
-Proverbs 16:27, 28
Another thing I realized... we have to be very careful WHO we trust. The friend smiling at you and having fun with you...telling you things like, "am just here when you need someone to listen" ...may end up backstabbing you. Be careful of their traps. They may show you they care, but what they're after is a little information to say against you behind your back. They're actually your enemies in disguise. Waiting to hear something they like about someone they don't.
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