Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dogs have so many friends because they wag their tails instead of their tongues

Love can cause so much. It's true that sometimes, some things (some people) can really get into our nerves. There are situations when we're pushed to our boundaries. If you get easily pissed, that's even worse. Yes, I know some people who just can't help but react right off on what annoys them. And I mean, violently reacting to what's annoying them. Very poor in patience. That's alarming. I don't know if it's a contagious attitude. Just imagine, what if everyone is as cranky as some of these people I'm talking about? Whatta chaotic place the world would be! Right? I mean, please do agree with me. I hope I am not the only one dreaming of a peaceful place to live in.

While I work hard to stay patient, other people give lesser effort to understand another person's difference. Don't get me wrong. I am not putting so much expectation on anyone. But, I cannot deny the fact that I am somehow expecting that people would work too, at least to avoid reacting violently at some trivial issues. Oh, but you know what? Worse, there are people who drag more people to dislike the person they dislike. Then they end up like a plattoon of bitter people attacking one already disabled soldier. Whoa! So ridiculous.

I've learned that LOVE can truly handle situation. If people just have enough love (in their hearts) to give, then it wouldn't be so hard to just let rude people go. "To put the person ahead of their actions." The article below tells more about RESPECT and LOVE. I posted this article last year on my protopage. I want to share with you.

(The above photo is my artwork hehe)

"Love Respects Others"

"[Love] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own." —I Corinthians 13:4 NKJV

It is difficult to control one's temper, when one is waiting in line and someone jumps in ahead of you. But trouble can be averted, if you have enough love in your heart to keep your mouth shut. You might even say a prayer for that rude person, thereby preventing yourself from also being rude.

Your attitude can make all the difference in your treating people with respect or treating them rudely. When you get up in the morning and ask God to fill your heart with love, you're more likely to have a pleasant day, rather than a painful one that is filled with confrontations. For your attitude determines your actions.

Joni Eareckson Tada, a paraplegic since a teenage accident, is so loving that she is able to say, "Don't get angry at the person who acts in ways that displease you. Give him a smile he lacks. Spread the sunshine of your Lord's limitless love."

Christmas is the season that we celebrate God's infinite love for us through Jesus Christ. Many people want to take Christ out of the holiday season. Instead of getting angry and saying rude things, we have the opportunity of exhibiting Christ's love by being unselfish and respectful to all.
Lord, give me the courage and strength to be polite and loving in the face of rudeness. Amen.

The above devotional message is written by Jane Douglass White and recorded by Rev. Ted Nace, Vice President of Stewardship of Guideposts.

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A Love with a promise of permanence.

"...if any hear MY voice and open the door,  I will come into their house and eat with them,  and they will eat with ME." ...
